Fun-runs continue

page created by admin last modified 2007-06-27 05:36 AM

Three runners met for the Self-Transcendence Sunday Fun-run, Reykjavík, February 27


The joggers of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Iceland are keeping up the good work and keep meeting for the Self-Transcendence Sunday Fun-runs.

The three runners that assembled last Sunday, February 27, were undeterred by the rather unpleasant weather, but all three of them, Rúnar Páll and the sisters Selma and Kristbjörg, also participated last week.

This means that this week's edition was short of last week's edition by only one man, Suballabha to be specific.  However, Suballabha had every intention of running and had arrived in Laugardalur to do so when he was called away on urgent business.

The course for this second official Sunday Fun-run was the same as in last week -  a 2km loop.  However, it cannot be guaranteed that the course will always stay the same as the Sunday Fun-runs are mainly informal, as opposed to our formal Self-Transcendence 2 mile Tjarnarhlaup races.  Whether the Sunday Fun-runs will stay informal only time will tell, but, in its present state, it at least makes for variety.