page created by admin — last modified 2007-06-27 05:36 AM
Four joggers meet for the first official Self-Transcendence Sunday Fun-run, Reykjavík, Sunday February 20
Íslenska Members of the Icelandic Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team have for a while now been meeting on Sundays for a fun-run. These fun-runs have been a good input in the Marathon Team's running scene, which is why your faithful reporter went and took a look at the run last Sunday, February 20. The run last Sunday, can therefore be called the first official Self-Transendence Sunday Fun-run. The Self-Transcendence Sunday Fun-run is always run in Laugardalur recreation area and starts a little after 12.00. The run starts and ends at the entrance of the Laugar pool. Last Sunday the run went through the camping area and the botanical gardens, before turning back through the pool from the west side of the Laugardalsvöllur national soccer stadium. This loop is 2 km. However, as the Self-Transcendence Sunday Fun-runs are only just starting and have not, yet, found their optimal format, there was talk about changing the course slightly. We will just have to see what happens. Also, official timing was not included last Sunday, but this may also be subject to change. Four ran last Sunday, the sisters Kristbjörg and Selma, Suballabha, who is also the organizer of the fun-runs and Rúnar Páll, who has featured prominently among the runners of the Self-Transcendence 2 mile Tjarnarhlaup races. Due to his new job, Rúnar has had a hard time making it to the Tjarnarhlaup races, which makes the Sunday Fun-runs ideal for him. |